Friday 15 November 2013

Demonic Girl's Diary Page

Handwritten and scruffy pages in a diary or on pieces of paper for example are used prominently in supernatural horror films where the character who has written them is possessed. These notes are usually very crudely written as they are written by a possessed individual. This means that for when I make my page of possessed notes, I will make them purposefully crudely written and drawn to create an authentic sense of possession. 

As they are written by a possessed individual in a supernatural horror, the notes usually have and are most likely to hold many references to religion and various deities. This could perhaps be through quotes from the Bible or pictures of religious symbols- especially those which are linked with paganism where there are strong references to new religious movements which attempt to reconstruct historical religion. While researching paganism, including modern paganism, I found various symbols (right) which could be used in my own practical creation of a possessed diary entry page. 

Strong use of quotes from religious books, primarily the Bible is, for me, a must. This is because I feel that if the possessed individual who has written the diary page is strongly involved and linked with religion, their interest in religious and Biblical quotes would be prominent and strong. Through research of quotes linked with 'supernatural', I found a website ( which gives a list of quotes which I think I could use in my piece. Some notable and relevant quotes I found from the website include, "For the good Lord does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants his prophets" and "He stretched out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing". I thought these types of quotes would fit well into my piece as they link to religion and the Bible and also include elements of the supernatural. As well as biblical quotes, I found I could create the possessed individual's phrases and sentences which link themselves to a specific deity.

This is a photo of the possessed notes I created

As well as using the website to gather biblical quotes which link into the supernatural, I also found a website which gives details of a real man's notes from his diary who claimed he was possessed. An image of the website can be seen below. After seeing some of the quotes from this webpage, I felt they would fit well on my practical piece as they definitely have eerie and creepy connotations.

I scrunched the paper up slightly to create a more authentic looking page of a person who has been possessed. I also made random and scribbles and lines to add to the possessed feel and the eerie way a person who is possessed in a film would act.

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